Liam Rising Page 11
After a few minutes, Adriel stood and brushed himself off. It wasn’t uncommon for random piles of soot to be found in Hell, and his jeans were covered. He pressed his ear against the door, and all sounded silent on the other side. He opened the door a crack and peered outside: no one was there.
Adriel took a deep breath, retreated to the hallway and sprinted to Zachary’s cabin. Without knocking, he opened the door and burst inside. Zachary, sound asleep, snored like a trucker. Not even Adriel closing the door roused him out of his slumber.
This was his chance, what he came here to do. Without a moment of hesitation, Adriel pulled out the knife in his back pocket and stepped slowly toward Zachary. Adriel held his breath, raised the knife above his head and slammed it down into Zachary’s chest. Zachary’s eyes shot open, and a look of pure fright and shock etched itself across his face.
“Adriel?” he whispered.
Adriel twisted the knife, and Zachary’s gaze froze as his last breath passed his lips.
“Sorry, buddy,” Adriel said.
The ritual was only half over, though. Now, Adriel needed to complete the next step in the process. He struggled, but pulled the knife out of Zachary’s chest and held it toward him, blade first. If he thought it was difficult to stab someone else, now he had to find out what it’d be like to stab himself.
He scrunched his eyes closed and thrust the knife into his chest. The pain swelled instantly within his core, and he bit his lip to avoid crying out loud with hysterics. Then, the pain subsided a little with every passing second. He looked down at the gaping wound in his chest and watched as it healed before his eyes. The gash glowed brightly with a gold sheen as the skin closed of its own accord.
The process was not unlike creating a fresh demon from scratch. Except, for a human to return to demonhood, they had to use the same knife utilized in the stabbing.
A tiny shred of guilt wormed its way into Adriel’s mind, but he realized he now had his powers back. He was a demon again.
Adriel closed his eyes and enjoyed the titillating feeling of his powers coursing through his veins once again. He ran his hands all over his body, which regained its former muscle mass. His biceps ripped the sleeves of his shirt, and he stretched his neck in both directions. The weakness of being human evaporated, and invincibility took its place.
He no longer felt sorry for himself; instead, he felt sorry for anyone who got in his way. The original plan was just for Adriel to retrieve his powers and return to Earth, but suddenly, Adriel didn’t want to rise to the surface again. He wanted to delight in the warmth and familiarity of Hell. Sure, he could get caught, but now, he’d be able to defend himself.
He dared anyone to confront him. Not only were his powers back, but his confidence returned, too. His bloodlust shot through the roof, and he wanted to run into someone. He wanted trouble. He wanted to prove himself as a powerful demon once again.
Adriel left Zachary’s room and tossed the knife aside before he stepped through the threshold and back into the infinite hallway through Hell. If he ran into anyone, this time, he wouldn’t run. He’d show them who he was, and if they wanted trouble, he’d give ‘em trouble.
Damn it feels good to be myself again, Adriel thought.
The fiery, burning walls led the way as Adriel strolled for several minutes. He didn’t pass anyone, and he nearly felt disappointed. He was all riled up and wanted some action.
Adriel walked a few more paces, and then he heard a familiar squeal of delight: Denise and her friend were back. He doubted they’d recognize him, but maybe he could have a little fun running into them.
They walked toward each other, and the giggles ceased instantly. Instead, they stared intently at Adriel with every additional step. Denise, with her long bleach-blonde hair, twirled her layers and popped a bright pink bubble against her mouth. She winked at Adriel, and he smiled back.
“Hey!” Denise said.
“Hey, yourself,” Adriel replied.
Denise’s friend, pretty, but forgettable, smiled at Adriel, too. “You new around here?”
“Not exactly,” Adriel said, grinning.
“Well, I’m Denise.” She extended her hand, and her long acrylic nails dragged across Adriel’s hand.
“I’m Sandy,” the other said.
“Nice to meet you, ladies.”
The she-demons just about drooled as they stood before Adriel. Denise puffed out her chest and revealed a large cup size underneath her black lace tank top, while Sandy put her hands on her hips, which donned tight leather pants.
“Wanna have some fun?” Denise asked.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” a silky voice echoed behind them.
The girls turned around and squealed at the sight of the force in the hallway. They apologized profusely and scurried away without another look at Adriel.
“Didn’t expect to see you back here so soon,” the voice said.
“I’m sure you didn’t,” Adriel replied with a sneer.
“It’s good to see you. I’d be delighted to hear how you found your way back.”
“I’m sure you would, Lucifer.”
Lucifer grinned wickedly and beckoned Adriel to follow him. Adriel didn’t move a muscle except to cross his arms over his body.
“Come,” Lucifer ordered.
“I think I’ll pass,” Adriel said.
“You might want to hear what I have to say.” Lucifer looked over his shoulder and nodded for Adriel to move forward.
Adriel bit his lip and wondered if he should follow Lucifer or not. Not only was he the King of Hell, but he was also the demon who stripped Adriel of his powers and allowed the royal douche to rise to fame down there.
Not to mention he was the one who turned Adriel into a demon in the first place. He was a tricky bastard and not to be trusted. But, what if Adriel wasn’t to be trusted, either? He needed to stay on the offense and not the defense. Could it hurt to follow him, though? Adriel decided to find out.
He kept several paces between himself and the Devil, all the while wondering where Lucifer was taking him. Even though he once was Lucifer’s right-hand man, he’d never been this deep into hell before. The flames burned darker the lower they descended into the ground. After several minutes, the walls glowed a brilliant cerulean blue, and the smoke diminished to wisps above Adriel’s head. He always assumed Lucifer’s lair would be the hottest place in hell, not the coolest. The temperature dropped a dozen degrees, and Adriel even shivered.
“Why are you taking me here?” Adriel asked.
“I need a way for you to trust me.”
“You want me to trust that you’re not going to pull any shady shit in your dominion of Hell? Do you think I’m stupid?”
“Well, you did let yourself fall in love with a human,” Lucifer snickered.
Adriel grunted and tried to hide the disdain for his former master. Soon, they reached a steel door with a metallic snake wrapped around the frame.
“Well?” Lucifer stepped aside to allow Adriel closer to the door.
“If I go in there with you, are you going to kill me?”
“No. I’m not.”
“Why should I believe you.?”
“I’ve never lied to you, Adriel. I may have turned you into a demon and back into a human, but I’ve never lied. I told you to hide your emotions and never get too close to anyone, especially the humans, but I didn’t lie.”
Adriel thought for a moment and realized Lucifer was right; he’d never lied to him. He may have ruined his life or his demonhood, but he was truthful every step of the way.
Adriel nodded and allowed Lucifer to open the door to his lair.
Inside, black snakes slithered all around them. Some were on the walls; others were on the ceiling, and some scurried to Lucifer the moment he stepped foot inside. A single chill ran down Adriel’s spine. He never forgot how these very snakes sank their fangs into him. He may have been a demon, but that didn’t mean snakes s
topped creeping him out, especially these. Hundreds of candles stood around the room, which resembled a dark and dreary cave. Water dripped from the corner of the damp ceiling and stalagmites formed in some areas.
“You got me down here. What do you want?”
“I want to ask for your help.”
Adriel burst into laughter. “My help? What could I possibly help you with?”
“It seems I’ve made a mistake,” Lucifer began. He stared past Adriel, unable to look him directly in the eyes.
“What kind of mistake?” Adriel asked.
“For the first time, I put my faith into the wrong person.” Lucifer looked to his feet.
Adriel thought for a moment and then cleared his throat. “Liam?”
Lucifer nodded as one of his pet snakes lovingly wrapped itself around Lucifer’s neck, and Adriel swore it smiled at him.
“He’s growing too powerful, too fast. I’m afraid I may not be able to control him much longer.”
“And what am I supposed to do about that?” Adriel hissed and the snake hissed back.
“I know your true intentions, Adriel. I know you came down here to kill your friend Zachary to regain your powers. I know you have one goal: to kill Liam. Maybe you and I can work together?”
“How powerful is he becoming?” Adriel asked hesitantly. If the Devil himself was nervous, it couldn’t be good.
“That’s the unsettling part; I don’t think even he knows how his powers have grown. But I see it in his eyes. He will self-destruct and bring the world down with him.”
“Then, why can’t we wait for it to pass? Let him self-destruct!” Adriel roared, his hands in the air.
“There will be casualties, Adriel. He does not forgive either you or the girl for bonding while he was in a coma. He will come for you.”
“He already has. I’m still here, aren’t I?”
Lucifer sighed, and Adriel realized he’d never seen his former master so agitated. Not even when Adriel betrayed him by falling for Charlotte.
“He will come back for. He will kill you, and he’ll kill the girl.”
Adriel gulped and thought of Charlotte. She didn’t deserve to die. She didn’t deserve any of what had happened to her in the past month.
“What can I do to help?”
“Ahem,” another voice said, interrupting Adriel and Lucifer.
Lucifer and Adriel turned to see who dared enter the lair without the Devil’s permission.
“Speak of the Devil,” Lucifer whispered.
“Well, well, well. Look who we have here,” Liam said, his accent echoing within Lucifer’s cavern.
“Liam,” Lucifer replied stiffly.
Adriel took several steps back and stood next to Lucifer, creating a united front.
“Someone forget to invite me to the party?” Liam asked, grinning broadly.
“Not at all,” Lucifer responded.
Liam strode inside and picked up a snake from the floor, which squealed at his touch. Adriel winced at the high-pitched noise and wished he hadn’t discarded the knife he used on Zachary. If Lucifer was right and Liam was growing more and more powerful, how would they stop him if he chose to attack?
“Looks like someone forgot to bring the party snacks and entertainment,” Liam said as he glanced around.
“What are you doing here?” Lucifer demanded. “You know you’re not allowed down here.”
Liam smiled maliciously. “You know I don’t like being told what to do, Master,” Liam emphasized sarcastically.
“And look at you, Adriel,” Liam cooed. “Someone figured out how to get their powers back. How adorable.”
Adriel wanted to reply with something witty or snarky, but he couldn’t put the words together. All he felt was blind rage bubbling beneath the surface. He wanted to squeeze the life out of Liam and watch him take his very last breath in this world.
“I’m assuming Charlotte didn’t want you anymore, huh? Too weak for her? I bet she tossed you aside like a piece of smelly trash.”
Adriel clenched his fists and gritted his teeth. Lucifer tensed, too. “Charlotte and I are doing just fine, thank you for asking,” Adriel said finally.
“Do you honestly think you have a future with my fiancé?” Liam asked.
“I have a better shot with her than you do, asshole.”
“Charlotte wants a lot of things, Adriel, but what she doesn’t want is a demon for a life partner.”
“You don’t know anything about her. You don’t know what she wants! I know she doesn’t want you!” Heat rose within Adriel’s cheeks, and his eyes bulged from his head.
“Charlotte wants to get married, have children and grow old with someone. You’re a demon again. You can’t grow old with her, because you don’t grow old. You can’t father a child. You think she’s going to want you now?”
“He’s trying to get into your head,” Lucifer mumbled.
“Watch it, old man,” Liam sneered toward Lucifer. “You’re not in the position of power that you think you are.”
“Are you threatening me, Liam?” Lucifer boomed.
Liam stepped slowly toward the other demons in the cave, but they held their ground. A deadly sneer spread across Liam’s face, and he puffed out his chest like a gorilla trying to prove his superiority.
“You can’t control me anymore. You’re afraid of me,” Liam whispered.
“I fear no one,” Lucifer said proudly. Lucifer focused his eyes on Liam, and Adriel remembered this look. He saw this very expression when Lucifer came to him all those years ago. When Adriel tried to refuse his offer, Lucifer used his mind to bind Adriel so tightly, he almost died from lack of oxygen. Except Liam didn’t flinch. He didn’t move a muscle. Was it true? Was Lucifer powerless against Liam?
“It’s not going to work, old man. Your powers are useless against me.”
“Lies!” Lucifer shouted. “I am not afraid of you!”
“Then why are your hands trembling?” Liam asked with an evil smirk on his face.
Lucifer quickly put his hands behind him and took a step backward. “You need to leave now.”
“Or, what? You’ll kill me again?” Liam chuckled.
“No, but I will,” Adriel warned.
“You couldn’t lay a finger on me even if you tried,” Liam began. “You may be a demon again, but I know you don’t have all your powers back.”
“I have enough to take you on. You better believe that.”
“What I believe is that you’re weak, Adriel. You let yourself fall in love, and you’ll never be the same again.”
“You’re saying you never loved Charlotte?” He arched his brows as he awaited Liam’s answer.
“Not in the way you love her. I merely loved having her around. She’s quite good in the sack, but you already know that, don’t you?” Amusement grew in Liam’s eyes as he egged Adriel on.
Adriel lunged toward Liam, growling at the top of his lungs. Liam stepped aside and easily dodged him. Adriel tripped over a crack in the ground, but quickly caught himself and stood tall.
“If that’s all you’ve got, it’s going to be a short match,” Liam chided.
Adriel grinned and charged Liam a second time, only for Liam to swiftly step to the right and dodge him again. Adriel tripped over another crack, but this time came crashing to his knees. Liam cackled, and Lucifer put his head in his hands solemnly.
“Really, Lucifer? This is who you call to save the day?” Liam asked and scoffed.
Adriel, on his knees, smiled sweetly as he sat back and kicked Liam out from underneath him. Liam, not expecting it, fell hard on the back of his head and maniacally burst out laughing. Adriel jumped to his feet and stood over Liam. He raised his foot over Liam’s throat, but Liam rolled over, and Adriel crushed the gravel beneath him instead of Liam’s windpipe. Liam also jumped to his feet, ready to take on his opponent again.
“I may have underestimated you, but it won’t happen a
gain,” he warned.
Liam extended his arm and held his palm out flatly, generating a swirling fireball, which illuminated Lucifer’s lair.
“I’m a demon, too, idiot. You think fire is going to hurt me?”
“This isn’t just any kind of fire, my friend,” Liam taunted. He whipped the fireball toward Adriel, hitting him squarely in the chest.
At first, Adriel didn’t feel a thing, but then he realized the fireball morphed into millions of tiny shards of metal, which dug into his skin without remorse.
“Arrrghhhhhhhhh!” Adriel howled as he tried to wipe away the metal shrapnel.
“Enough of this!” Lucifer cried. “What do you want, Liam?”
“What do I want? I want to be the Devil.”
Lucifer shook his head. “I am the Devil, boy. You think you can be me?”
“I know I can,” Liam snarled.
Adriel doubled over, wondering how Liam learned how to do perform that trick. How did he learn to manipulate fire and turn it to metal? He abandoned that thought as he realized he cared more about the solution. The pain roared through his body, and he felt as though the shrapnel was ripping apart his insides.
Liam rushed Adriel, picked him up by the scruff of his neck and threw him against the wall. Several snakes scattered away to avoid being crushed by Adriel’s landing. Adriel moaned and clutched his chest in terror.
“Make it stop!” he yelped.
“I can help you with that,” Liam offered. “I can kill you. Then it’ll all be over.”
Liam ambled toward Adriel as he crawled backward and reached the dark, slimy wall of the lair. Liam raised his fist and punched Adriel squarely in the jaw, drawing blood, which splattered across the wall and Adriel’s clothing. As the scent of iron permeated the air, Lucifer took advantage of the brawl and sidled against the opposite wall toward the door.
“You better run, old man. I’m coming for you next,” Liam warned.
Lucifer didn’t waste another second before dashing out of the cave and disappearing, the echo of his footsteps growing fainter by the second.